The San Francisco Shakespeare Festival is a non-profit organization that began in 1983, with Free Shakespeare in the Park's debut production of The Tempest in Golden Gate Park in San Francisco, California. Today we are a regional theater company and major arts-education provider.
An Overview of Shakespeare Festival Programs
Free Shakespeare in the Park
Produced every year in San Francisco, Pleasanton, Cupertino, and San Mateo from June to September, Free Shakespeare in the Park provides an opportunity for over 30,000 people to see high quality, professional theater free of charge.
Shakespeare On Tour
Shakespeare on Tour brings a live hour-long Shakespeare performance to students statewide. In response to the decline of in-school arts programs, we created an affordable high-quality school touring program in 1988. We now present approximately 200 performances yearly to over 50,000 children.
The Bay Area Shakespeare Camps (Tax I.D. # 942867269)
Our camps provide an opportunity for young students age 7 to 18 to study Shakespeare in a fun, supportive atmosphere and teach them the necessary skills to perform his work. We also offer an Advanced Acting Workshop for those with prior experience in performance. Currently, over 28 camp sessions are scheduled to be held in multiple Bay Area communities.
Midnight Shakespeare
Midnight Shakespeare offers at-risk youth the opportunity to learn communication skills, performance skills, discipline, and team work through Shakespeare. Responding to the problems of violence and gang-related issues, this ten-week program partners the Shakespeare Festival with social service organizations like the East Bay Conservation Corps, San Jose Department of Parks and Recreation, the East Palo Alto Boys and Girls Club, and the San Francisco Park and Recreation Department to reach underserved communities throughout the Bay Area.